Thanks to Paisley Gilmour for including me in this nice netdoctor overview about figuring out your sexuality: Am I gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual or LGBTQ+?...
In the second of my two interviews with Lori-Beth Bisbey, we chat about how to know if non-monogamy, or polyamory, is for you, and some...
I just spent the whole weekend and two excellent events on relationships: Queer polyday in Leicester, and the Polyamory, Consensual Non-Monogamy and Relationship Anarchy day in...
Dan Savage did this presentation to the Festival of Dangerous Ideas on monogamy, non-monogamy and monogamish relationships. Lots of interesting ideas in there, and he...
There’s a piece by me on the Guardian Comment is Free website in response to today’s news about research on evolutionary theories of monogamy. So...
I did a podcast interview last week for Feminist Current about whether monogamy was compatible with feminism. The podcast deals with some of the historical...