Darren Landgridge and I made this video about gender and sexuality for The Open University Human Rights Week. Where are we at with the human...
On 26th September 2016 I attended a historic bisexuality briefing at the White House. Bisexual community leaders had met with the White House on previous occasions, but...
Last week saw the launch of a book project that I’m very excited to be part of: Purple Prose: Bisexuality in Britain. This collection, edited...
I recently did an interview on gender and sexual diversity with the excellent folk at Sheffield Central Counselling. This seems even more timely now that...
Many blog posts are brewing at the moment but none quite ready to bottle and serve. However I did spend this afternoon collating some of...
September 23rd is bi visibility day: something I’ve written about here before. This year I thought I’d post a Q&A I did recently on the...
Open relationships: Applying the concept of openness to all relationships in various ways. Content warning: relationship conflict and abusive relationships are touched on briefly in...
I did an interview with Biscuit magazine this week about bisexuality: What first drew you to focus on academic research into bisexuality? A combination of...
Pride season is upon us and I’ve been struck by the annual tension that exists across various Pride events around the B and T parts...
This year I was invited to 10 Downing Street for a reception celebrating the same-sex marriage act which passed into UK law recently. I felt...