Announcing a new zine! This zine was commissioned by Queer Circle to explore what queer creative health might look like, as part of their programme for...
On 12th November I’ll be speaking on a panel for Ladybeard magazine on mental health. I wrote a piece for their website here about my...
This week I’m blogging about kink up to the film release of Fifty Shades of Grey. In the previous three days I’ve covered mythbusting, finding out...
This week I’m blogging about kink up to the film release of Fifty Shades of Grey. Yesterday focused on finding out more. Today I’m covering how to...
This week I’m blogging about kink up to the film release of Fifty Shades of Grey. Yesterday was an introduction. Today I’m focusing on how to...
As somebody who has researched with BDSM communities for over a decade, and written about the Fifty Shades books, I thought it’d be useful to...
This post applies the concept of consent to all relationships in various ways. This topic is taken up in a lot more detail on my...
This post explores what trigger warnings open up, and what they close down, using the approach explored in more depth in my book The Psychology...
The first review of Rewriting the Rules is up on the Love Research Network blog. Thanks so much to Michael Gratzke for writing this. It feels...
A number of news pieces in recent weeks have discussed a new report which found that only 25% of people with mental health problems get the help that they...