I came across a great example this morning in a paper by my friend and colleague Trevor Butt which I thought could be very usefully...
Rewriting the rules is now out on kindle! Just in time for Christmas shopping. Get it now on Amazon!
A couple of really nice online reviews of my book this week. BJ Epstein for Wales Art Review, who engages with the idea of anti...
Stuart Jeffries’ great piece in The Guardian last weekend quoted me as saying – about suggestions that infidelity might be a good thing for relationships...
Today is World Mental Health day so I thought I’d write a post about mental health in relationships. My own position on mental health is that we...
I was asked onto Sunday Morning Live (BBC1) this morning to discuss whether infidelity can be a good thing for relationships. The question comes off...
“We all struggle with relationships but now the rules have changed. We need a new rule book, and this is it.” –Dorothy Rowe, Psychologist and Writer....
This is an article on conflict and compassion written by Jamie Heckert and myself which originally appeared over on The Sociological Imagination. The political project...
In May 2012 I was finishing off the first edition of Rewriting the Rules. I finished the index for Rewriting the Rules over the weekend...
Yesterday I found myself reflecting on two different issues that I think about a lot: depression and conflict. I’m about to start writing a chapter...