Thanks so much to Franki Cookney for inviting me into conversation on The Second Circle podcast about bad sex. You can access the episode here....
Thanks to Paisley Gilmour for including me in this nice netdoctor overview about figuring out your sexuality: Am I gay, straight, lesbian, bisexual or LGBTQ+?...
Just a reminder that relationships and sex educator extraordinaire Justin Hancock and I have a podcast over on If you enjoy listening to stuff...
The Explore More summit started yesterday, and my vid went live today, along with excellent chats between Dawn Serra and Feminista Jones (sexuality and anti-racism...
Hey everyone. Here’s a new video interview with me chatting about various projects with Darya from Enrich TV, including my top relationships tips: Reflect on...
I’m so excited to announce that I’m speaking at the Explore More Summit again this year. I had a great time last year and was very...
I’ve been a bit quiet lately because I’ve been recovering from surgery and then working on the first draft of a new book on The Psychology...